
Darth Vader


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"It's a Trap": Darth Vader Replies to Admiral Ackbar's Iconic Quote with 3 Epic Words

As Darth Vader begins creating the Empire's deadliest soldiers of all time, he wanders into a trap - refuting Admiral Akbar's famous warning.

December 31 - All 9 Canon Battles Between Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader (No, Not Just The Movies) 1
All 9 Canon Battles Between Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader (No, Not Just The Movies)

Luke Skywalker and his father Darth Vader had a collection of battles and epic encounters in the Star Wars canon (and not just on-screen).

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The Phantom Menace's Most Controversial Anakin Story Just Saved Vader's Life

Darth Vader couldn't have achieved what he does against the ancient artificial intelligence known as Scourge without The Phantom Menace's retcon.

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Darth Vader Is Replacing His Death Troopers With [SPOILER]

Darth Vader is making a change following a massive Death Trooper betrayal in the Star Wars canon, replacing them with brand new agents.

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"I am VADER. That is All": Star Wars Settles Whether Darth Vader is More Man or Machine

Star Wars' new Dark Droids crossover provides a darkly epic quote for Darth Vader which speaks to his true nature as a Sith Lord.

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Darth Vader Is Upgrading His Death Troopers... By Removing Their Free Will

Darth Vader is planning to correct a major mistake with his fearsome Death Troopers in the Star Wars canon, and the solution is extremely dark.

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"I Choose... Consequences"- Darth Vader Ignites His Endgame Against Emperor Palpatine

One of Darth Vader's final attempts at overthrowing Emperor Palpatine is coming to a head before the events of Return of the Jedi.

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Star Wars Set Up A Secret Luke Skywalker/Darth Vader Duel 6 Years Ago - & You'll Have Completely Missed It Happen

A secret conflict between Luke and Darth Vader was set up six years ago, and Star Wars finally paid it off in the comics set between Episodes V and VI

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Adam Driver's Kylo Ren Revelation Would Have Made A Better Star Wars Sequel Trilogy

Adam Driver's recent revelation about how Kylo Ren's arc was originally envisioned would have made for a better Star Wars sequel trilogy.

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Star Wars Reveals The Future With Darth Vader's Return To Mustafar

2023's Star Wars: Revelations has been revealed with a new preview, one that features Darth Vader's return to Mustafar, Mace Windu, and more.

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Star Wars Secretly Confirmed Luke Skywalker Really Is Anakin's Equal

Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader once battled across time and space in the established Star Wars canon, confirming their equal power in the Force.

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The Real Meaning Of "Your Overconfidence Is Your Weakness": Palpatine's Biggest Mistake Was Overestimating Darth Vader's Hatred

Palpatine was far too confident in the power he gained from Darth Vader's hatred in Star Wars' original trilogy, so much so that it led to his demise.

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Ahsoka Made Canon A Worlds Between Worlds Change That Star Wars Set Up 5 Years Ago

The Ahsoka Disney+ TV show subtly rewrote the mystical realm known as the World Between Worlds - but this change was set up five years ago.

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All 6 Iconic Star Wars Hallway Scenes Ranked

Star Wars has some pretty incredible action-filled hallway scenes with some coming from the very first movie all the way to the most recent shows.

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Darth Vader Became a Sith Heretic to Try and Overthrow Palpatine

As Darth Vader realizes he can never overpower Emperor Palpatine through the Dark Side, he turns to a shocking new source of power.

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Revenge Of The Sith Secretly Fixed A Massive Darth Vader Flaw

Revenge of the Sith brought Darth Vader's mask back to the big screen for the first time in decades and fixed its flaws in the process.

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Star Wars Secretly Set Up Eight Potential Members Of Luke Skywalker's Jedi Order

The Dawn of the Empire secretly set up 8 potential members of Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy he started following the original Star Wars trilogy.

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One Of Darth Vader's First Imperial Executions Was Payback For A Clone Wars Insult

One of Darth Vader's very first Imperial executions in Star Wars was also payback for a key Clone Wars insult when he was still Anakin Skywalker.

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Star Wars Reveals Final Fate of Darth Vader's Death Troopers in Official Canon

The Death Troopers have been with Darth Vader since he hand-picked them for his Imperial Guard, which is why their Star Wars deaths are so shocking.

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Darth Vader Secretly Saved The Next Generation Of Jedi From The Emperor

Shortly after Revenge of the Sith and Order 66, Darth Vader secretly saved a future generation of Jedi from Emperor Palpatine in the Star Wars canon.

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