Star Wars: Visions (2021)
Star Wars and the world of Japanese animation collide in Star Wars: Visions, a sci-fi anthology series that sees several prolific animation studios tackle various unique tales set in the Star Wars universe. Each episode tells a new tale from a new studio in incredibly different animation styles that all aim to capture the lives outside the core cast of Star Wars regulars, including how the events of the war affect those caught inside of it.
Star Wars: Visions
- Release Date
- September 22, 2021
- Seasons
- 2
- Franchise(s)
- Star Wars
- Story By
- George Lucas
Star Wars Visions To Finally Explore The Ronin's Dark Sith Origins
Star Wars: Visions' Ronin was once a Sith Lord in a stunning Edo period-styled galaxy, but his history has always been a mystery (until now).
Star Wars Visions Season 3: Story, Updates, Everything We Know
While Lucasfilm hasn't announced Star Wars Visions season 3, here's everything we know about the project and when it will most likely be released.
Star Wars Animation's Most Touching Story Wins Much-Deserved Award
Star Wars: Visions is undoubtedly the best animated series in a Galaxy Far, Far Away - and now its best episode has won a prestigious award.
Star Wars Introduced A TV Replacement For The Old Republic (But Isn't Using It)
Star Wars: Visions season 2 set one episode during the Old Republic Era, and the studio believes there’s enough material to make it into a series.
Star Wars Introduces A New Double-Bladed Lightsaber That Makes Darth Maul's Look Boring
A new doubled-bladed lightsaber has been revealed in Star Wars, and it's a lot cooler and represents far more than Darth Maul's saber ever could.
Star Wars Always Has Been About Balancing The Force & They Just Finally Got It Right
Balance lies at the heart of Star Wars, but the franchise hasn't always handled the concept well. Which makes the latest story even more remarkable!
Star Wars Doubles Down On Turning Sith... Into Heroes?!?
Star Wars: Visions season 2 once again provides unique perspectives on the Star Wars universe, but its representations of the Sith stand out.
Star Wars Reveals Another Sith Lord Who Returned To The Light Side
Darth Vader isn't the first Sith to be redeemed - but Star Wars' latest redemption story is very different to Anakin Skywalker's famous tale!
All 9 Star Wars: Visions Season 2 Episodes Ranked From Worst To Best
Star Wars: Visions season 2 has dropped on Disney Plus, so in honor of May the Fourth, here are all 9 episodes ranked from worst to best.
22 New Jedi Introduced Into Star Wars Today
Thanks to the animated Star Wars: Visions and Young Jedi Adventures series, May the Fourth has introduced 22 new Jedi to the galaxy far, far away.
Star Wars Shows How Dangerous The Praetorian Guards Should REALLY Be
Star Wars’ new Sith warrior just showed how lethal the Praetorian guards really should have been in both The Last Jedi and The Mandalorian.
Is Star Wars: Visions Canon?
Lucasfilm's animated Star Wars: Visions Disney+ TV show creatively reinterprets the Skywalker saga - but is it an official part of Star Wars canon?
How Star Wars: Visions Animation Studios Find Different Elements To Explore
Exclusive: Star Wars Visions executive producer James Waugh discusses how animation studios from around the globe introduce new takes on Star Wars.
Star Wars: Visions Executive Producer Hopes To See Characters In Other Mediums
Exclusive: Star Wars Visions executive producer Jacqui Lopez discusses the potential to expand the stories of characters introduced in Visions.
James Waugh, Jacqui Lopez & Josh Rimes Interview: Star Wars Visions
Star Wars Visions executive producers James Waugh, Jacqui Lopez and Josh Rimes discuss how studios tackle Star Wars and new perspectives on the Sith.
Star Wars Visions Season 2 Trailer Is Packed With Thrilling Animation Styles
Lucasfilm has released the first Star Wars Visions season 2 trailer, which will continue to offer fresh interpretations of George Lucas' saga.
Star Wars: Visions' Season 2 - Release Date, Story Info & Everything We Know So Far
With Visions season 2 about to be released in May, here's everything you need to know about the Star Wars animated show.
Star Wars Visions Season 2 Release Date & Episode Titles Confirmed
Lucasfilm has officially confirmed Star Wars: Visions season 2 will release on May 4, 2023 - celebrating Star Wars Day in the most exciting way.
Star Wars Is Finally Remembering How Powerful Jabba The Hutt Really Is
Star Wars: Visions and The Book of Boba Fett takes time to remind audiences of just how powerful the crime lord Jabba the Hutt truly is.
All 8 Star Wars TV Shows Releasing After Andor
From the adventures of the Bad Batch to the mysteries of the High Republic, here’s every Star Wars TV show releasing on Disney+ after Andor.