
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (2023)

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End is an animated adventure-drama series based on the manga series created by Kanehito Yamada and Tsukasa Abe. Following her parties' victory against an all-powerful demon king that threatened to destroy their world, Frieren, an elf, attempts to find her place in a new world with an undetermined future fifty years later.

Frieren Beyond Journeys End TV Poster
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End

Release Date
September 29, 2023
Mallorie Rodak , Jason Douglas , Clifford Chapin , Chris Guerrero , Jill Harris , Jordan Dash Cruz
Tsukasa Abe , Kanehito Yamada
Tomohiro Suzuki
Streaming Service(s)
Keiichirô Saitô


Fullmetal Alchemist and Frieren 1
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Dethrones Fullmetal Alchemist As Number 1 Anime

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End has maintained its n. 1 spot on MyAnimeList for more than a week, a feat that few other anime were able to achieve.

Stark cries in Frieren 1
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Episode #13 Release Date & Time

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End episode #13 will continue the party's adventures in the North and likely return to a more episodic style.

Frieren in the snow in Frieren 1
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Episode #12 Release Date & Time

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End episode #12 will show what lies beyond the northern mountains and potentially begin the next arc of the series.

Frieren defeats Aura 1
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Episode #11 Release Date & Time

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End episode #11 will deal with the aftermath of Frieren's battle against Aura and begin its characters' next adventure.

Frieren and a suit of headless armor in episode 9. 1
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Episode #10 Release Date & Time

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End started the fight against Aura in earnest, and here's everything to know about when episode #10 will continue it.

Frieren in front of the moon 1
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Episode #9 Release Date & Time

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End episode #9 will likely feature a variety of epic battles between Frieren, her allies, and the demons led by Aura.

The demons of Frieren: Beyond Journey's End 1
Frieren's Villains Are The Perfect Solution For One Of Anime's Big Issues

Anime has developed a problem with always trying to make villains sympathetic, but Frieren: Beyond Journey's End has a perfect solution for that.

Frieren in prison in Frieren 1
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Episode #8 Release Date & Time

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End episode #8 will show what the titular protagonist can do in a fight against the demon that wants to kill her.

Stark in Frieren 1
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Episode #7 Release Date & Time

After gaining a new party member, Frieren and her friends are heading to the northern lands in Frieren: Beyond Journey's End episode #7.

Stark Fern and Frieren in Frieren 1
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Episode #6 Release Date & Time

After introducing Stark in episode #5, Frieren: Beyond Journey's End is poised to use him to defeat a dragon despite his apparent cowardice.

Frieren in the OP's music video 1
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Episode #5 Release Date & Time

After the stunning premiere of its first four episodes, Frieren: Beyond Journey's End episode #5 will show if the anime can maintain its quality.

Frieren from a trailer for Frieren Beyond Journey's End 1
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Starts A Revolution For The Fantasy Genre (Review)

The new fantasy anime Frieren: Beyond Journey's End is a beautiful meditation on life, death, and friendship that stuns in a two-hour premiere.

Frieren from Frieren Beyond Journey's End 1
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Episode #1 Release Date & Time

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End episode 1 is a two-hour-long premiere that will release on Crunchyroll, introducing viewers to the new anime series.

Frieren and her party members enjoying a meal in Frieren: Beyond Journey's End. 1
Upcoming Anime is the Tragic Fantasy Series D&D Fans Didn't Know They Needed

As the Fall 2023 anime season approaches, one new series stands out as a top choice for fans, particularly those who enjoy Dungeons & Dragons.

Frieren praying in the sunlight 1
Underrated Fantasy Manga Frieren to Receive Official Anime Adaptation

Announced by Shogakukan, not much else is known about the upcoming anime adaptation of the poignant manga series Frieren: Beyond Journey's End. 

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Explores Demon Slayer's Immortality Curse

Tamayo from Demon Slayer struggles with immortality like Frieren from Beyond Journey's End, but each character deals with their curse differently.
