
Blue Lock (2022)

Blue Lock is a sports-centric animated series based on the manga series of the same name. The show follows the Japan Football Association trying to recover from their poor showing in the 2018 FIFA World Cup by hiring a football genius, Ego Jinpachi. With his new intense training regimen, Jinpachi invites the best football players in Japan to compete to become the team's new star player - and high school student Yoichi Isagi may be exactly who he's looking for.

Blue Lock TV Series Poster
Blue Lock

Ricco Fajardo , Drew Breedlove , Alex Horn , Mark Allen Jr.
Release Date
October 8, 2022
Taku Kishimoto
Tetsuaki Watanabe , Shunsuke Ishikawa


The cast of Blue Lock 1
Blue Lock Blu-Ray Review: A Great Introduction To One Of The Most Successful Series In Recent Times

Blue Lock was one of the biggest anime to come out in 2022, and a year later, the first half of season 1 is finally out on Blu-ray and DVD.

Yoichi-Isagi-Blue Lock Season 2 1
Blue Lock’s Second Part Never Delivered What It Promised

Season one of Blue Lock is almost over, and the subversive soccer anime isn't giving fans all of the unexpected twists that it has been promising.

Chigiri in Blue Lock 1
Blue Lock Has a Big Hint That One Character is Doomed to Failure

Blue Lock's brutal competition ensures that many of its characters will never get to fulfill their dreams, but one player is especially doomed.

Barou from Blue Lock 1
One Character Perfectly Represents Blue Lock, and It's Not Isagi

While Isagi may be the main protagonist of the hit sports anime Blue Lock, one supporting character is actually a better representation of the series.

The Cast of Blue Lock Looks Intimidating 1
Blue Lock Not Killing Its Characters Actually Makes it More Brutal

Blue Lock is unsurprisingly one of the most brutal sports anime, but it manages to outso many death game anime because it doesn't kill.
