The Curse (2023)
Showtime presents The Curse, a dark comedy series Nathan Fielder and Benny Safdie created. The series follows newly married couple Whitney and Asher while filming their new reality show, Fliplanthrophy, which started with the intention of helping those less fortunate and establishing new communities. However, in true behind-the-scenes fashion, not all is well behind the camera, and personal troubles and comedic chaos begin to bubble to the surface.
The Curse
- Release Date
- November 10, 2023
- Cast
- Emma Stone , Nathan Fielder , Benny Safdie , Corbin Bernsen , Barkhad Abdi , Constance Shulman
- Seasons
- 1
- Writers
- Nathan Fielder , Benny Safdie , Carrie Kemper
- Network
- Showtime
- Directors
- Nathan Fielder
- Showrunner
- Nathan Fielder , Benny Safdie
Emma Stone's New TV Show Is Absolutely Perfect For Her
Emma Stone's new TV show is absolutely perfect for the Academy Award-winning actor — mostly because it blends her strengths from previous roles.
How To Watch The Curse TV Show
Emma Stone and Nathan Fielder’s new show, The Curse, is getting positive early reviews, but where can viewers watch the series when it premieres?
The Curse Review: Fielder & Safdie Have Created An Imaginative, Unsettling Satire
The Curse is a well-made show, a tad bit long with the episode runtimes, but all the while engaging and surprising.
The Curse's Rotten Tomatoes Score Grades Emma Stone’s First TV Show In 5 Years
The Curse's Rotten Tomatoes score grades Emma Stone's first television show in five years since her Netflix miniseries, Maniac, from 2018.
Emma Stone’s New TV Show Continues An Exciting Career Trend
The new TV show The Curse has a fascinating premise and also continues an intriguing and exciting career trend for its star, Emma Stone.
The Curse Trailer: Emma Stone & Nathan Fielder Unite For A24 TV Show
Emma Stone and Nathan Fielder play uncouth HGTV hosts in the trailer for The Curse, which combines the talents of Fielder and Benny Safdie.
Emma Stone's New TV Show Can Make Up For A Criminally Overlooked Netflix Series
Emma Stone's new show seems to have the potential to make up for one of her criminally overlooked comedy Netflix series and revive her TV career.
Emma Stone Is Returning To TV In The Curse: Wild Plot Details & First Images Revealed
Emma Stone is returning to television with The Curse, co-starring Nathan Fielder, with photos and plot details revealed ahead of the show’s debut.